University of Wisconsing Eau Claire; University of Wisconsing Eau Claire

  • Introduction
  • Podium issues. Molly took off her shoes.
  • Molly begins.
  • John Henry Faulk/ACLU/Reverend Weaver/Citizen's Against Pornography Story
  • Reverend Weaver
  • John Henry Faulk
  • "You asshole! You asshole!"
  • Political correctness
  • "All the evils of free speech can be solved by more free speech."
  • Political correctness furor takes time and energy away from the epidemic of black and brown people dying under mysterious circumstances.
  • The cure for all excesses of free speech is more free speech.
  • PIFFLE- Politically Incorrect Feminists Free to Laugh at Everything
  • Satire definition
  • Rush Limbaugh
  • Separation of Church and State
  • Dr. Martin from Rice University
  • Fundamentalists frightened by Pastors who used that technique to get theimr money.
  • Fundamentalists & anti-intellectualism
  • John Henry Faulk/Boots Cooper chickensnake story
  • Safety vs. Freedom
  • McCarthy Era. McCarthy as one of Wisconsin's "gifts" to the nation
  • Rowell- "Tell them how much fun it was, tell them how much fun it was."
  • Speech Ends
  • Questions and Answers begins
  • "Louisiana is a peculiar state. Half of the state is under water and the other is under indictment."
  • A dittohead tries to mansplain to Molly Ivins about homeless individuals, the dead, "Kennedy had the same political philosophy", etc.
  • Molly answers him by using Rush Limbaugh's own words about Hillary Clinton.
  • The definition of uppity women
  • 1970 Westlake Hills Ann Richards story in reaction to "jugs" description. Ann mentions dicks and balls.
  • Bill Clinton as a compromiser and consensus builder
  • Training for politicians comes from parenthood.
  • Lyndon Johnson story
  • "If you got their peckers in you pocket, their hearts & minds will follow."-Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Mike Martin story
  • In Texas it is illegal to pay somebody to shoot you
  • George H. Bush
  • "Eat Cheese or Die"
  • Molly Ivins lacks patience to be in politics
  • Molly discusses her early days in journalism in the 1960's
  • "Ivins get your ass out there."
  • Camille Paglia
  • "Never be afraid of making an ass of yourself."
  • Charles Dickens and Jane Austen
  • Waco
  • The law didn't like to be laughed at.
  • Molly Ivins was once banned from Texas A&M. An old rule stated that they couldn't have a political speaker on campus.
  • Ann Richards & Phil Graham & the presidency
  • Voters don't like mean politicians
  • Politicians can get elected by people's fear
  • Questions and Answers ends
  • (Tape Ends)