Speech for the Idaho Chapter of the ACLU; Speech for the Idaho Chapter of the ACLU

  • Molly begins
  • Civil Libertarian is earnestness
  • Texas State Legislature/Anti-Sodomy/ Prick & Asshole Story
  • Texas A&M
  • Strom Thurmond endorsing term limits
  • John Henry Faulk/ACLU/Reverend Weaver/Citizen's Against Pornography Story
  • John Henry Faulk
  • Austinites mooning the Klan story
  • John Henry Faulk/Boots Cooper chickensnake story
  • Christian fundamentalists as the most afraid people in the U.S
  • The Mormon Church
  • Brainwashing
  • Fundamentalism should not mess up free speech.
  • "The ACLU has the worst sense of public relations."
  • Ann Richards Capitol Creche Story "Only chance to see three wise men in that building."
  • Unabomber
  • Political Correctness
  • Galileo
  • "No matter how cynical you get, it's hard to keep up."-Lily Tomlin
  • Idaho militia is not well regulated
  • Getting rid of the "machismo" image of guns
  • Ann Richards quote: "There is not a woman in this state who could find a gun in her handbag."
  • Joe Rowell/Rowel/Rawl/Rall (Sp?) "Tell them how much fun it was, tell them how much fun it was."
  • Phil Graham as presidential candidate. "Candidate for those that think Bob Dole isn't mean enough."
  • Pundits are often wrong greater than six weeks out (from an election).
  • Phil Graham 's low poll numbers confirms Molly's belief in a benign & Almighty God.
  • Terry Tempest Williams story about her book "Refuge"
  • Molly's story about doing a literary panel with Ivanna Trump at the Waldorf Astoria. It was Henry Louis Gates, Elmore Leonard, Ivanna Trump (life with "The Donald", and her.
  • "Reading book was like looking in a mirror."
  • Ivanna announced that she was releasing a line of toiletries and Molly started laughing.
  • William Styron & Ivanna Trump story
  • Packwood's diaries "He was a vapid, shallow, asshole."
  • Shrub Bush
  • You can take Shrub anywhere
  • Proud to point out when Texas is the worst
  • Anger towards California for blaming the illegal "Messicans" for ruining the state economy.
  • Helen Chenoweth- Steve Stockman in drag.
  • Deport Helen Chenoweth to Texas.
  • Perot & Perotistas
  • "Optimistic to the point of idiocy"
  • Election for the AFL-CIO
  • Optimism over reproductive rights.
  • Abrupt ending
  • (Tape Ends)