Interview with R. L. Wilder [part 1]; Interview with R. L. Wilder [part 1]

  • Mathematics departmental strife at the University of Houston
  • Pure and applied mathematics departments at the University of Texas
  • J. R. Silber's disagreements with R. L. Moore
  • Competition in the Moore method
  • Scouting talent for Moore's classes
  • Moore's courses and course load
  • Wilder's first course with Moore
  • Blanche Bennett Grover and women in mathematics
  • E. H. Moore's influence on the Moore method
  • How the Moore method impacted Moore's career
  • J. R. Kline as a professor and a mathematician
  • Wilder's experiences teaching in the Moore method
  • University of Texas mathematics department
  • Female students
  • Halmos teaching the Moore method
  • Jealousy and scouting for graduate students
  • Division in the mathematics between pure and applied mathematics
  • Moore's personal life and the health of his wife
  • Moore's reaction to prohibition
  • G. T. and W. M. Whyburn
  • Anna M. Mullikin and the politics of hiring at the University of Texas
  • Moore's shift in mathematics subject area
  • Moore's relationship with his thesis director, Oswald Veblen
  • Moore's view on mathematical books and materials
  • Moore's relationship with his former students
  • John M. Slye and John R. Kline
  • Wilder's teaching experience in higher education