Gas Goes to Market; Gas Goes to Market

  • Credits: Produced and photographed by Bob Bailey, copyright 1949 by Bob Bailey
  • The Story of Gas [Origins of natural gas reserves in the Gulf Coast]
  • The prehistoric origins of gas deposits in the Gulf Coast
  • The relationship between oil wells and gas
  • The problems of transporting gas, with map showing demand for natural gas
  • The formation of the Tennessee Gas Transmission Company, with images of group creating plans for a gas pipeline from the Gulf Coast to the East Coast.
  • Map showing route of proposed pipeline, and growth from one to three pipelines
  • Pipeline installation
  • Bulldozers clearing trees
  • Dynamite
  • Transporting pipe to job sites
  • Tack welding
  • Final welding
  • Checking quality of welds with x-ray machine
  • Pipe cleaning/coating machine
  • Pipe wrapping machine
  • Checking quality of pipe wrapping with electrical detector
  • Difficult environments for pipeline installation: Rivers, ice and mud
  • [Post-installation]
  • Compressor stations
  • Restoring land for Right-of-Way landowners
  • Difficulties of installing pipeline in eroded soil
  • Animation of acid soil's effect on buried pipelines
  • Animation showing how rectifiers prevent corrosion
  • [Compressor Station Operations] Map showing compressor stations along pipeline
  • Scrubber cleaning towers, with animation showing how they work
  • Meters that record pressure and rate of flow of gas
  • Chief dispatcher looking at map of pipeline
  • Work crews at compressor stations
  • Planes flying over pipeline to check for exposed sections
  • Maintenance crews repairing pipelines
  • Office workers and executives
  • Employee benefits
  • Company housing
  • Benefits of natural gasFor home user:
  • Meal cooked with gas
  • Gas powered refrigerator
  • For industrial user:
  • Alternative to industrial clouds of smoke
  • The End