Lisa O'Donnell oral history

  • All right. Well, good afternoon.
  • I am David Todd, and
  • I have the privilege of being
  • on the line with Lisa O'Donnell.
  • And with her permission, we plan
  • on recording this interview for
  • research and educational
  • work on behalf of a nonprofit
  • group called the Conservation
  • History Association of Texas,
  • and for a book and a website for
  • Texas A&M University Press,
  • and finally, for inclusion
  • in an archive at the Briscoe Center
  • for American History, which
  • is located at the University of
  • Texas at Austin.
  • And I wanted to add
  • and stress that she would have
  • all rights to use the recording as
  • she sees fit as
  • well.
  • And I wanted to make sure that's
  • okay with you.
  • Yes. Yes, absolutely.
  • Okay. Well, good.
  • Well, then let's, let's get started.
  • It is Thursday,
  • June 30th, 2022.
  • It's about 2:45
  • Central Time.
  • And again, my name is David Todd,
  • and I am representing
  • the Conservation History Association
  • of Texas, affectionately
  • known as "CHAT".
  • And I'm in Austin and
  • we are conducting a remote interview
  • with Mrs. O'Donnell, who is based
  • in Austin as well.
  • She is an endangered species
  • biologist and has
  • worked for a decade for
  • the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
  • and then with the City of
  • Austin's Watershed Protection
  • Department from 2001 to
  • 2007.
  • And since then, as senior
  • biologist with the city's Balcones
  • Canyonlands Preserve,
  • where she is responsible for
  • managing and monitoring and
  • researching the preserve, ecosystems
  • and species.
  • Through much of her career, she has
  • been involved in study and care
  • for the golden-cheeked warbler,
  • and she also was involved
  • in work with the black-capped vireo
  • dating back to the 1980s.
  • Today we will talk
  • about her life and career to date,
  • and especially focus on her
  • work with the golden-cheeked
  • warbler.
  • And I very much hope that
  • we'll also have time to discuss her
  • efforts on behalf of the
  • black-capped vireo
  • as well.
  • So with that little
  • introduction, I wanted to ask
  • you about your childhood
  • and early years, and if there might
  • have been some people or events,
  • occasions of some kind,
  • in your life
  • that influenced your interest in
  • animals?
  • Yes, I
  • was going to say my, at least my
  • parents have told me that I have,
  • I've always been interested
  • in animals.
  • And they actually would tell me
  • the story of my first word,
  • which I guess I started
  • talking at a later
  • age. I don't know how old I was, but
  • they said my first word was,
  • "flower", and
  • they were just thrilled to hear me
  • actually start talking.
  • But that that was my first word.
  • And then, you know, we always had
  • animals, and
  • my grandparents had animals.
  • And so, I
  • just grew up thinking I was going to
  • be a veterinarian.
  • And I also grew
  • up, you know, when I was
  • ten or so, you know,
  • a little bit younger, just I
  • grew up during that time when all
  • this environmental legislation was
  • being passed,
  • so the Endangered Species Act and
  • the Clean Air Act and the Clean
  • Water Act.
  • So, even if that wasn't affecting
  • me, you know, directly,
  • if I didn't know exactly what was
  • going on, I think
  • that it had to have had, you know,
  • an influence.
  • I do remember my parents talking to
  • me about the Endangered Species Act.
  • I remember going around
  • raising money.
  • I would go ask my neighbors for
  • money to send for endangered
  • species. So, so, yeah,
  • something I've always been
  • interested in,
  • and also just in in science
  • and conservation.
  • And I remember one time
  • being upset about,
  • I think it was like a proposed
  • mine or something that was
  • a mine that was proposed in
  • the Rocky Mountains.
  • And I was really upset about it.
  • And my mom said, "Well, you don't
  • sit there and feel bad about it.
  • You need to do something about it.
  • You need to write a letter." And so,
  • she helped me craft
  • a letter that I then sent
  • off to whoever.
  • And I don't remember who at this
  • point. But, you know,
  • just in terms of, you know, you
  • don't just sit around and feel bad,
  • you need to do something
  • about things.
  • So that sense of responsibility
  • came in early.
  • And then my dad, I remember being,
  • just trying to instill, you know,
  • the importance of conservation, like
  • even water, like, you know,
  • you need to, you know, not waste
  • water and be conscious of
  • that.
  • And so, and he was really interested
  • in conservation as well and worked
  • with prairie dogs.
  • And then science, you know, I was
  • interested in science too.
  • I remember having like a little
  • study group with my friends and
  • I think I was in the fourth grade at
  • the time, and we would come
  • up with like a science question and
  • try to answer it in our own way,
  • which wasn't very good.
  • At the time we didn't know what we
  • were doing, but we at least tried
  • and at least had the interest.
  • So yeah, I think those are some of
  • the some of the highlights for me.
  • Well, and you mentioned your parents
  • and your grandparents,
  • and then this study
  • group.
  • Were there, were there
  • any teachers
  • or folks who were outside of your
  • immediate friend group or
  • your nuclear family who
  • might have said, "You know, this
  • is something that's of value, or
  • this is something that might
  • interest you."
  • Yes, I remember a teacher
  • that I had in the fifth grade who
  • worked on, she
  • was part of a group that worked on
  • animal protection,
  • like protection from cruelty.
  • I think it was called.
  • What was it, CAP, like ... I don't
  • know. Anyway, but it was a group
  • to try to protect animals
  • from, you know, cruelty.
  • And so, she actually got me
  • to go to a meeting with her.
  • I mean, I went with my mom and I
  • met her there.
  • That's interesting.
  • So there was
  • kind of a political angle
  • to some of this that you were
  • going to meetings and you were
  • writing letters.
  • But then on the other hand, you had
  • this interest in
  • the science of
  • it, with your study group.
  • It seems like you had a kind of
  • multi-faceted
  • interest in animals.
  • Yes, I think, I, you
  • know, I was always convinced, even
  • going up to, you know, where
  • I was going to apply for college, I
  • just assumed I was going to be a
  • veterinarian.
  • And so when I was looking
  • for colleges, that's just what, I
  • guess that's like, kind of the next
  • thing we'll talk about.
  • But, but
  • yeah, I, I,
  • even though my focus was
  • on, on animals and animal health
  • at the time,
  • I think of the broader influence.
  • I think of that environmental
  • legislation, of my parents and
  • that one teacher, I
  • think that there was enough
  • broader influence that
  • would kind of steer me in the
  • direction that I ended up on in.
  • Here's something else I heard you
  • say. You said you
  • grew up at that time when there
  • was just a whole raft of
  • environmental laws that were passed
  • - I guess,
  • Clean Water, Clean Air, Endangered
  • Species and so on, in the early
  • seventies.
  • And that you were sort of maybe
  • picking up on the tenor of the
  • times.
  • Were there, were there possibly
  • other things that were kind
  • of in the air, you know,
  • like literally on the
  • broadcast signals in TV
  • shows, or maybe movies
  • that were common at the time, or
  • books that were out in
  • the press that you might have read
  • or seen?
  • You know, I don't remember anything
  • at that young age.
  • Like, my grandmother would always
  • send me books on,
  • you know, like wildlife books, type
  • books for,
  • you know, birthdays or Christmas
  • or whatever.
  • But I don't,
  • I mean, my parents might be able to
  • remember something, but
  • I can't think of anything that was,
  • like, really obvious, that really
  • stands out.
  • I think it was just kind of,
  • just stuff that I was sort of
  • absorbing, if that makes sense, sort
  • of subconsciously?
  • Yeah, sort of by osmosis.
  • It was just something that was in
  • people's, on people's minds.
  • Yeah.
  • That you might have heard.
  • Okay. All right.
  • So, you said that
  • you were kind of on a trajectory for
  • vet
  • school or, you know, to study
  • animal medicine, I guess.
  • Can you describe
  • your arc through
  • higher education?
  • You went to the University of Texas
  • and got a B.S.
  • in zoology.
  • Can you talk about your experience
  • there?
  • Yes. And before that, I actually
  • went to the University of California
  • at Santa Barbara,
  • and then I transferred to the
  • University of Texas.
  • But when I was
  • at, we just called it UCSB, they
  • had an environmental studies program
  • and there was a professor there.
  • I think he's even still there -
  • Rob Nash.
  • And he was the one that kind of
  • headed up this environmental studies
  • program. And that was huge
  • for me
  • because I had not actually been
  • exposed to any of that in Texas.
  • So, when I was out in California,
  • people were talking about, you know,
  • conserving water.
  • Interestingly enough, I don't
  • remember any fires or any issues
  • on those lines that we hear about
  • now, but it was all about
  • saving water and people, you
  • know, even had little signs up, you
  • know, all around the school of like,
  • "turn off your faucet".
  • Those were things I had never heard
  • of, aside from my dad telling me.
  • But, I didn't
  • hear it like generally.
  • So, when I was at UCSB,
  • I, you know, again, I just thought,
  • "Oh, I'm going to take my science
  • classes, I'm going to end up going
  • to A&M or someplace
  • like that." And my
  • college roommate, who was also,
  • you know, in the science group (we
  • were all kind of in the
  • environmental studies
  • dorm; there
  • was a floor).
  • And she was the one that after
  • a while she said, "You know,
  • you really like animals and really
  • want to help them being a
  • veterinarian", she said.
  • "But you really ought to think about
  • being an ecologist because
  • you can do more.
  • You can help more animals by
  • focusing on the habitat."
  • And that really clicked.
  • So I think between having that
  • environmental studies influence.
  • You know, we read books like, "Do
  • Trees, Should Trees Have Standing?"
  • I mean, that was like again, like
  • all of the stuff that they were
  • teaching were just
  • huge and, you know, really
  • eye-opening for me.
  • And so that's when I decided to
  • switch. I was like, "Yes, I
  • definitely want to be an ecologist."
  • I also, during
  • that time, when was it, must have
  • been 1984,
  • I
  • signed up to go out
  • on a field expedition to Glacier
  • Bay, and it was with the School
  • for Field Studies.
  • And so
  • we spent four weeks
  • in Glacier Bay kayaking.
  • And we didn't do any heavy research,
  • but it was just, that was
  • another like, just this huge
  • experience for me.
  • It also taught me, being from
  • Texas, I
  • was cold and wet for four weeks.
  • It was really uncomfortable.
  • The whole time, I kept wanting to go
  • home because I was so cold and wet.
  • But the experience was amazing.
  • I mean, we were, we're surrounded by
  • whales and seals
  • and, you know,
  • just, birds and I mean, it was just,
  • it was just phenomenal
  • and just beautiful.
  • And so, and then I just
  • learned that, you know, I
  • learned how to stay warm.
  • I learned that it's better to
  • be warm than have
  • clean clothes that are wet
  • and cold.
  • So yeah, so that was definitely
  • a growing experience
  • because it kind of took the city
  • girl out into the field.
  • But after that,
  • I did a couple of more,
  • you know,
  • outings, I guess, volunteering
  • at that point with the U.S.
  • Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • I went back to Alaska for two
  • different summers
  • to do, and we actually did real
  • fieldwork at that point.
  • I went to Cape Pierce,
  • which is like on the tip of Bristol
  • Bay.
  • And we did,
  • like, we counted walrus,
  • we counted seabirds and monitored
  • productivity.
  • You know, that was just another
  • really phenomenal
  • experience.
  • And then the following year, I went
  • to the Seal Islands
  • with just one other person and we
  • lived out on these islands
  • and studied sea birds.
  • Actually, it was puffins.
  • We were looking at what they were
  • eating.
  • And so, we studied puffins for a
  • couple of, a couple of months.
  • And so that was between
  • the Glacier Bay and even though I
  • was really cold.
  • But those two subsequent
  • field excursions as a volunteer,
  • that's when I just, I just got
  • hooked. I'm like, "Yeah, this is
  • what I want to do. I want to be a
  • field biologist, and be
  • outside and collect
  • data."
  • And so, yeah, so
  • it all kind of started coalescing
  • at that point.
  • I was going to say one other really
  • influential person at that time
  • was at the University of Texas, and
  • he was a teaching assistant for
  • an ecology class that I took.
  • And he, I would
  • ask him questions periodically.
  • I'm like, you know, I
  • can't even think of a question that
  • I did ask him, but I know I asked
  • him a lot of questions and his
  • response was always,
  • "Look it up."
  • And I remember that was like the
  • first time because you're, you're
  • used to being spoon-fed.
  • It's like, "Hey, I'm paying you for
  • this college education.
  • So, tell me, you know, you're
  • supposed to give me the answers."
  • And I remember
  • that I got basically
  • throughout all of my college career
  • by having somebody tell me that.
  • Yeah.
  • So you became sort of an autodidact,
  • I guess, at an
  • early, early age.
  • Yeah. It's critical thinking.
  • It's like, you know, like
  • don't have people just spoon-feed
  • you.
  • You need to go look things up and
  • research it yourself.
  • And so I think that was really
  • instrumental. And I'm hoping that
  • more professors and teachers,
  • you know, teaching assistants
  • are doing that for students.
  • It actually does a disservice
  • in a lot of ways to just keep giving
  • you information.
  • You need to, at some point, get off
  • on your own and start looking things
  • up and questioning and
  • finding answers for yourself.
  • Right, right.
  • Well, so
  • I am sort of struck by
  • one thing,
  • that you
  • seem to have a broad
  • interest in
  • not just a particular
  • creature.
  • I mean, that you've studied
  • everything from walruses
  • to puffins to sea birds
  • of various kinds,
  • and then more recently, these
  • warblers and
  • vireos. And I think you mentioned
  • that you
  • had an interest in ecology
  • as much as biology,
  • perhaps. Is that fair to say?
  • Mm hmm.
  • Yeah.
  • Yeah, and I would say endangered
  • species science, kind of
  • as a general rule.
  • It's, I think, another
  • just common theme throughout my life
  • is just, you know, sticking
  • up for the underdog.
  • I think endangered species are
  • underdogs, but
  • whatever people don't seem to like
  • or take on, or they're having
  • trouble, but those are the things
  • I naturally sort of gravitate
  • toward.
  • But yeah, like Ashe juniper is one
  • of the things - I think we'll be
  • talking about that later.
  • Yeah. Just rare species
  • and,
  • yeah, even species that are not
  • rare, but get picked on a lot.
  • Coyotes is another one.
  • But yeah, anything that I, that
  • I happen to
  • research, I
  • get real attached and kind of throw
  • everything into it.
  • And it just happens to be I
  • just kind of landed in Austin
  • and golden-cheeked warblers
  • and cave invertebrates and
  • salamanders and vireos.
  • Fortunately, it's a hotspot.
  • It's a biological hotspot.
  • So, you know, you can cover lots
  • of different things in this one
  • area.
  • Well, but
  • underlying the
  • vireo and warbler and other
  • endangered species work
  • you've done, is it fair to say
  • that there's
  • a kind of current of.
  • [Oh, David, just lost you.]
  • [Yeah, it still seems unstable.
  • Can you hear me now?]
  • Uh oh.
  • Can you hear me?
  • Are you breaking up now?
  • I can't.
  • Huh.
  • Are you there, Lisa?]
  • [I can hear you now.
  • You just came back on.].
  • [Okay.
  • So, I think we may have
  • a little problem
  • with the computer connection.
  • [Oh.].
  • [So what I'm going to suggest, just
  • so that we don't lose
  • valuable things that you are
  • trying to tell us, is
  • that we use a telephone
  • hook-up.
  • Oh, okay.
  • And so
  • what I'll do is email
  • you a phone number you can call
  • and
  • we'll just resume here.
  • And that
  • is, is usually much more reliable
  • if there's a funky thing going
  • on with the computer.
  • Okay.
  • Connection.
  • If you have a landline,
  • that's often wise
  • to use.
  • I don't.
  • I'm sorry.
  • Okay.
  • You've got a cell phone.
  • Does it, does it
  • use Wi-Fi? Does it have a pretty
  • good signal there?].
  • [Yeah, I think so.
  • I've never had a problem with it.]
  • [Okay. All right, well, let's try
  • that, and, yeah, so
  • if you could just regroup
  • in just a minute or so.
  • Call me once you get the number and,
  • and we'll go forth.]
  • [Okay.]
  • [Do good stuff!]
  • [If it okay just for me to, let me,
  • I need to run get a, it looks like
  • the battery is going down on it.
  • So let me go get a charger for it.]
  • [Yeah, sure. Absolutely.
  • You do that.]
  • [If that's okay, to charge it?]
  • [Yeah. Yeah. Why don't we do that?
  • All right.]
  • [This call is now being recorded.]
  • [Hello, Lisa?]
  • [Well, hey, David.]
  • [Well, we meet again.
  • Thank you for trying this
  • other route,
  • I think, this is
  • a little bit more stable.]
  • [Hopefully you're able to get some
  • of that.]
  • [Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, I think we'll
  • do just fine.
  • But I just would have made sure that
  • we didn't lose the thread.
  • Sometimes it can be kind
  • of disjointed if
  • you know, you can't get a
  • complete thought in without wondering
  • if the recording is not being made.
  • So...]
  • Right. Right.
  • Thank you very much.
  • Um, so I did have a
  • question that I wanted to ask you.
  • You know, listening to you talk
  • about your
  • interests in sort of sticking
  • up for endangered species
  • and underdogs in general,
  • made me wonder if there's a kind
  • of a thread of,
  • of seeking justice and fairness
  • in the work that you do,
  • aside from the biology and ecology.
  • Oh, yeah.
  • That's huge. I hate
  • injustice. It's like the worst,
  • especially these days.
  • So, yeah, it's kind of an
  • ongoing work of resistance.
  • But absolutely.
  • It is definitely that.
  • Yeah.
  • Yeah.
  • Justice is definitely a
  • key thing.
  • I hadn't really thought about it,
  • you know, articulating it
  • specifically, but yeah.
  • Yeah, it definitely is.
  • Okay. Well, this helps
  • sort of understand maybe some of the
  • motivation. I mean, you know, it's
  • not something you think
  • about front-of-mind every day.
  • But I guess this maybe
  • is behind the scenes?
  • Yeah. That reminds me of one other
  • thing too.
  • I've been told since I was really
  • small
  • that I'm very persistent.
  • And I remember asking
  • my parents and I'm like, things keep
  • happening.
  • And they said, "Well ..."
  • (I think they thought I was kind of
  • annoying, but they said,
  • "It can be a good thing if you use
  • it right." And so
  • I think about that a lot too
  • is that yeah, hanging
  • in there, being to
  • persistent is real key too -
  • the kind of personality trait
  • that I got saddled with
  • may help.
  • Yeah. Well, it's interesting.
  • You can get worlds
  • of education and training
  • and career experiences, but
  • maybe some of this really hinges
  • on what sort of personality you
  • have.
  • Yeah.
  • So I thought we might move on to
  • talk a little bit about your career.
  • I understand that you
  • began your
  • work as a consultant
  • for a firm called DLS
  • Associates doing biological
  • surveys for rare birds.
  • And sometimes that first job
  • can have a big impact.
  • I was wondering if you could talk
  • about.
  • Yeah. Yeah.
  • David Steed, that's actually what
  • "DLS" stands for: David Lewis Steed.
  • So, he was my boss.
  • He actually hired me because I
  • wrote not a very good paper
  • on some of the work that I'd done at
  • Cape Fears.
  • But he said he really liked it and
  • that was why he hired me and
  • I worked for him for four years.
  • And, you know, again, I was really
  • interested in doing field work and
  • so I was able to do that with him.
  • He had contracts with
  • the county and the highway
  • department.
  • I think those were the two main
  • funding sources.
  • And so, at that point,
  • you know, often the
  • Texas Department of Transportation
  • was looking at
  • building an outer
  • loop,
  • Austin's outer loop. I think they just called it
  • the Austin Outer Loop. I forgot what
  • they called it, but it was going to
  • be this big loop around the city and
  • it would go through some of these
  • really environmentally sensitive
  • areas.
  • And I started working for
  • him in 1987, which
  • was the same year that the
  • black-capped vireo got listed as
  • endangered.
  • And so, our
  • job was to go looking for
  • black-capped vireos,
  • both, you know, to see
  • what the impact might be from the
  • highway, and
  • so finding them and locating them.
  • And then also for the
  • county: the county had a different
  • project that they were working on as
  • well.
  • And so, yeah, so we just
  • were able to go hiking
  • all over the place back then.
  • So, I think a lot of it
  • was like old ranch land.
  • There was a lot of land that also
  • went into, you know, when they had
  • that whole Savings & Loan thing
  • that kind of bailed out, where a lot
  • of lands went into the RTC.
  • So we, we weren't really
  • on like small like
  • private property, so we never had
  • anybody give us a hard time
  • being out there.
  • They were just more curious.
  • We'd have people stop us and ask if
  • what we're looking for.
  • But yeah, so
  • it definitely
  • got me out in the field, got me very
  • familiar with
  • was what was out in western Travis county,
  • and in particular, the
  • black-capped vireo at that time.
  • Okay.
  • Golden-cheeked warblers singing n
  • the background.
  • Right. Right.
  • Most have been
  • similar sites.
  • So
  • I guess the next step for you
  • after working in DLS
  • was
  • to move to the
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where you were
  • from '91 to 2001
  • and then after that,
  • the City of Austin's Watershed Protection
  • program, 2001 to 2007,
  • and then most recently to
  • the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve, under the City
  • of Austin, since 2007.
  • And what I thought was really
  • intriguing about that is that you
  • seem to have
  • worked on sort of similar problems
  • and similar habitat, but
  • wearing different hats.
  • I mean, going from working for
  • the private sector to then
  • working for the feds,
  • to working for a municipal
  • agency.
  • You know, can you compare
  • what those were like, those
  • different experiences, different
  • employers and offices?
  • Yeah, yeah, I mean, they were all
  • big learning experiences, I
  • would say DLS Associates was just
  • getting familiar with
  • the species and the habitat,
  • and learning all about that.
  • And I'm so glad I got out there when
  • I did, because, you know, I was able
  • to go out on a ranch when it was
  • still a ranch and when there were
  • still cows and, you know,
  • just getting to see all of that
  • before, before it got developed.
  • So, I think just learning about
  • the species and the habitat at that
  • time.
  • Um, and then also I guess
  • it was around 1987,
  • 1988, that the discussion
  • started about,
  • "we need a habitat conservation
  • plan", because there were,
  • fortunately we had a lot of people
  • with foresight and said,
  • "Look, this area is going to go.
  • This is a really unique, special
  • area, very rich biologically,
  • ecologically." And so, they
  • started working on this
  • regional habitat conservation plan.
  • The vireo was kind of the initial
  • focus.
  • But it really isn't at the heart of
  • the vireo's range.
  • So it gradually became more about
  • the golden-cheeked warbler, once the warbler
  • got listed as endangered.
  • And then, of course, the cave
  • invertebrates were listed.
  • And then the salamanders got listed,
  • which was kind of a political
  • curveball for the politicians.
  • But when I was at DLS Associates,
  • David Speed was on the Scientific
  • Advisory Committee.
  • And so, I was able to sit in
  • on those meetings and just listen.
  • We would also go to the executive
  • committee meetings.
  • And so, as
  • the field biologist working for
  • David, you know, I had access
  • and just listening to these
  • conversations.
  • And then when I moved over
  • to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife
  • Service, it was right after
  • the warbler got listed
  • as endangered.
  • And, you
  • know, they opened up the Austin
  • office. So, I was there when they
  • opened the office up and
  • it was mainly in response to the
  • listing of the warbler, that, you
  • know, people were so upset,
  • you know, what are we going to do?
  • You know, we need help with,
  • you know, can we move forward with
  • this project or not?
  • And so my job there was
  • to say you know, because I knew the
  • species, I knew the habitat well
  • enough at that point, I would
  • review what we call, "bird letters".
  • People would send something on and
  • say, "This is my project, this is my
  • property.
  • Do you think it will cause "take"
  • or impact?"
  • And so that was my job all day long,
  • was just to sit and review,
  • you know, and they ended up with
  • like filing cabinet drawers full
  • of these letters and our responses.
  • And I was also there when they were
  • working on the golden-cheeked
  • warbler recovery plan and the
  • black-capped vireo recovery plan.
  • And then I kind of switched over to
  • working on that Barton Springs
  • salamander and I
  • worked on the proposed rule
  • to list that species, and then also
  • the final rule.
  • And so, I think the difference
  • was like, you know, when I worked
  • for David,
  • you're on the ground.
  • You're looking very close
  • at something.
  • And then when you go to work...
  • so that was a learning experience.
  • And I think really, really key
  • and really important to take with
  • me to the Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • And at the Fish and Wildlife
  • Service, you've got to stand
  • back. So, you're just looking
  • landscape-wise, you're looking
  • big-picture.
  • And so, that was like a huge,
  • you know, another big broadening
  • experience for me, because
  • when you're looking at recovery
  • plans and listings,
  • you've got to just look at the, you
  • know, like the,
  • yeah, the big picture, I guess.
  • And I don't think everybody has
  • that opportunity, you know, to be
  • able to see at both levels
  • kind of the, you know, the very,
  • very close up and then the farther
  • away.
  • And then
  • I decided after
  • ten years of being
  • in an office, I just felt like I was
  • still too young and my heart was,
  • you know, working in the field.
  • And so that's when I went back to
  • work for the City.
  • I knew they had a job coming open
  • working with salamanders, doing the
  • field work.
  • And then the other thing I forgot to
  • mention when I was with the Fish and
  • Wildlife Service,
  • even though I wasn't directly
  • involved, my boss
  • at the time, Joe Johnson, was
  • involved in
  • working on the Fish and Wildlife
  • side of things of the,
  • you know, the regional habitat
  • conservation plan that became
  • the Balcones Canyonlands
  • Conservation Plan, and ultimately
  • the Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.
  • So, I heard all of those
  • discussions, was privy
  • to some of the meetings,
  • and, you know, the documents
  • and things that they were putting
  • together.
  • And then when I,
  • then when I went to work for the
  • BCP, where I work now, it's
  • like, yeah, this is, this is it.
  • This is where I wanted to be all
  • along really.
  • And it's neat that you
  • were there,
  • you know, in early days, as you said
  • before some of this land got
  • developed, and before
  • some of these institutions really
  • got created, whether it was the Fish
  • and Wildlife Service offices
  • in Austin, or the Preserve
  • being created in the Hill Country
  • near, near the city.
  • Yeah, and one of the first
  • regional habitat conservation plans
  • in the country. I don't think it's
  • the first, but it was one of them.
  • And yeah, it was, it was huge.
  • It was just an amazing
  • undertaking. And I'm so privileged
  • to be able to work, you know,
  • in this place now.
  • [Hope you're there, David. Oh no, did I lose you there?]
  • [Hello?]
  • [Oh, yeah.
  • So, it's doing it here, too.
  • That's very weird.]
  • [Did you lose the signal for a
  • little bit?]
  • [No. I mean, I'm looking at my
  • what is it, a router?
  • I don't know what this thing is,
  • but...]
  • [Yeah.]
  • [But I'm, yes, I'm losing you.
  • I, I lost you there for
  • a couple minutes.]
  • [Oh, no. Well, um, well, so
  • maybe I can just try to restate
  • it or ask the
  • question again.]
  • I thought it was interesting that
  • you were at Fish and Wildlife
  • Service as a
  • pretty young person.
  • And you were
  • being asked to issue these bird
  • letters
  • to decide whether a
  • take was likely to
  • be involved in a given development
  • or project.
  • And that just seems like a
  • huge amount of responsibility,
  • sort of godlike.
  • Did it strike you that way, or
  • did you feel like you
  • were just sort of another
  • cog in the chain and, you know, you
  • were just doing your job as you
  • came in each day, it wasn't terribly
  • dramatic.
  • Yeah. I felt like it was just my
  • job.
  • When I first started, we
  • were, I was in Arlington for three
  • months,
  • and so there was a little bit of a
  • buffer and distance from people.
  • And then I got to know my boss
  • in Austin really well.
  • And Joe was the one that ultimately
  • would decide everything.
  • Um, but they
  • wanted, at least what I was
  • told, was that they wanted me
  • because I had that on-the-ground
  • experience and I could identify
  • habitat and look at the particular
  • impact.
  • But I
  • try to remember if my name ...
  • I'm sure my name was on those
  • letters, too, but I think
  • ultimately, you know,
  • the field supervisor
  • is the one that signed off on those
  • things. So they, I would be like the
  • first call, and then my supervisor
  • would review it, and then the
  • field supervisor for the office
  • would ultimately, you
  • know, make the final call.
  • So, so I never, I
  • just more felt like I was glad
  • that I had the experience
  • and, you know, the ability
  • to at least identify
  • habitat.
  • Got you.
  • Well, so, you
  • know, you talk about this experience
  • that you got when
  • you were first
  • working with DLS
  • and the chance to be on the ground.
  • And I was hoping that you could tell
  • us about what your first
  • encounter.
  • [Oh, you just broke up again.]
  • [Did I! Oh gosh.]
  • My first encounter
  • ...
  • With the golden-cheeked warbler?
  • Right.
  • So could you describe what that was
  • like?
  • Yeah.
  • So, the world of the golden-cheek
  • was kind of in the background for me
  • for a long time.
  • And so, I, I can't remember
  • my first experience with the
  • golden-cheeked because I was so
  • focused on black-capped vireos.
  • I do remember taking somebody out to
  • show them their first golden-cheeked
  • warbler and I was working for David
  • Steed, and, you
  • know, and he was just, you know,
  • in awe of this little bird.
  • But I didn't really get
  • to know the warbler really until I
  • came to work for the City,
  • basically.
  • So I knew it.
  • I knew the habitat.
  • I knew, you know, I
  • knew generally about them.
  • I was able to sit in on the recovery
  • planning,
  • but I didn't feel like I
  • had a real strong connection
  • until, until I came to
  • work for the City and
  • worked with them first-hand.
  • I see. Okay.
  • Well, and, you know, once you did
  • some sort of get some sort
  • of familiarity with the bird,
  • what did you learn about its life
  • history?
  • Is there kind of a
  • 101, basic
  • introduction you could give us
  • to the bird's life.
  • Well, just as a general rule,
  • I'm, I'm actually always fascinated
  • by birds like
  • the golden-cheeked warbler, a migratory
  • bird that,
  • for the golden-cheeked anyway,
  • so I think you already know this.
  • It's a native Texan.
  • So, all golden-cheeks, you know,
  • are born in central Texas.
  • It's got one of the smallest
  • breeding ranges of any North
  • American songbird.
  • Its tiny.
  • Most birds span multiple states,
  • but this one's only in one.
  • But the thing that really impresses
  • me about migratory birds is that
  • they are able to go back
  • and forth these long distances.
  • And in the case of the
  • golden-cheeked, it goes to southern
  • Mexico, Central America, that's
  • where it spends its winter, and then
  • it comes up to breed
  • in Central America.
  • And there's really high site
  • fidelity in terms of like,
  • you know, where they nest.
  • And so older birds will come
  • back to the exact same
  • territory year after
  • year after year. Over 90% of them
  • will return to the exact same spot.
  • And when I'm out there with
  • my GPS unit and my compass
  • and my map and I'm still
  • trying to figure out where I'm at,
  • I am just in awe at this little
  • thing that's like feathers
  • and bone and weighs ten grams
  • that is able to do this.
  • It's just, it's just this miraculous
  • feat, I think,
  • you know, to be able to go back and
  • forth.
  • And I've heard from the folks on the
  • wintering grounds, they haven't
  • banded a lot of birds down there,
  • but for the very few that they have,
  • there's only three that I can
  • remember that they've banded, and
  • they came back to the same spot back
  • in the wintering grounds as well.
  • They're really hard to find on the
  • wintering grounds because they're
  • not singing.
  • But, but
  • it's a very small sample size.
  • But still, you know, just the fact
  • that these birds are able to do that
  • is just
  • miraculous.
  • So, so that's a little bit of
  • the life history there.
  • The eat insects.
  • They depend on mature Ashe junipers.
  • The peely bark
  • is required for the nest
  • that they build, but also it
  • provides food for them too.
  • They tend to build their nest
  • in Ashe junipers too. They're very
  • cryptic and hard to find.
  • But yeah, the oaks and the junipers
  • together just provide
  • the insects, the caterpillars
  • and spiders, the beetles, that that
  • these birds feed on.
  • Okay. Well, that helps.
  • And,
  • and then so the ecological
  • niche is that
  • the bird is, is an insectivore
  • and is, I
  • guess feeding on the
  • bugs that would be found on the, the
  • oaks principally, or also
  • on the junipers?
  • Is that right?
  • It's both.
  • And it, it kind of progresses
  • as the season goes on.
  • Like, um,
  • the Texas red
  • oak, um, is a huge
  • favorite of theirs.
  • So, they'll kind of start, you
  • know, the beginning of the southern
  • nesting season when they first come
  • back. A lot of times the red oaks
  • haven't even leafed out. When they
  • do, they're first leafing out,
  • that's when the caterpillars attack.
  • Um, that's why these
  • birds are so important to keep our
  • trees healthy. So, they're there to
  • kind of feed on, you know, at
  • the beginning of Texas red oak, then
  • later you've got the live oak
  • kind of dropping its leaves, um,
  • and then leafing out again.
  • And so they'll kind of switch over
  • to live oak.
  • And then later when their young
  • come out, um,
  • out of the nest, they're feeding
  • a lot in the juniper at that
  • point, and which is good
  • because the junipers
  • make these little fledglings,
  • you know, when they first get out of
  • the nest, um,
  • they're very cryptic because
  • they're kind of gray, they're
  • little and they're just kind of
  • sitting in these junipers and it's
  • much harder to find them in
  • juniper trees than when they're in
  • oak.
  • So, so the adults kind
  • of switch over at that point to
  • feeding primarily in the oaks.
  • So, the junipers are
  • really important for,
  • you know, again, not only the
  • nesting material, the nest
  • substrate, but also for that
  • food source and camouflage
  • for the, for the young.
  • You said ten-gram birds
  • and they
  • are pretty clever about camouflaging
  • themselves in these junipers
  • in pretty thickety woods, as I
  • understand it.
  • How do you go about monitoring
  • them and locating
  • and tracking them from
  • year to year?
  • So when
  • I first started
  • working for the City,
  • there was a monitoring plan that was
  • already set up and there
  • were these hundred-acre plots that
  • were kind of located in prime
  • habitat, you know, across
  • the city, part of the BCP.
  • Our other partners, like the county,
  • and I'm trying to think who
  • else ... there were other people who
  • also had plots that they were
  • monitoring too.
  • But it was spot-mapping without
  • having the bird color-banded.
  • And so when I started,
  • there were biologists saying, "You
  • know, hey, this biologist found
  • 20 birds on the plot.
  • The other biologist found ten.
  • We're trying to figure out who's
  • right.
  • And,
  • I just said, "Well, there's no way
  • to know unless you color-band them."
  • And so it
  • was a little bit of an evolution,
  • but we gradually
  • switched over to
  • color-banding these birds.
  • And the plots changed
  • a little bit as well.
  • But it's essentially, you know,
  • they're not all 100 acres anymore.
  • But if you have a
  • fixed area that
  • you go in and you color-band,
  • it's essentially males; every now
  • and then you catch a female, but
  • it's usually accidental.
  • We're really targeting the male.
  • But you band them
  • with a unique color combination
  • that we get from Fort Hood military
  • reservation. They actually will
  • issue us like, here's your color
  • combos that you can use
  • this year.
  • And so, by having,
  • they have like a silver band that
  • they get from the U.S.
  • Geological Survey
  • that has a unique number on it.
  • And then there's
  • three color bands that
  • go on their legs and that
  • with the different combinations, you
  • can identify the individuals.
  • And so now,
  • you know, the biologists will go
  • out.
  • And we also have two biologists to
  • kind of back each other up in
  • verifying, you
  • know, what you're finding on a plot.
  • But you
  • go out and you just you know, you
  • identify the bird, you identify the
  • color combination, and
  • it's great having GPS.
  • You know, that's a big difference
  • from when I worked for the agency.
  • But you just, you click a point
  • every time you see one.
  • And then by the end of the breeding
  • season, you have this really nice
  • map of here's where we've seen
  • the birds.
  • And then you can come up with an
  • estimate, a really reliable
  • number, of how many birds
  • are on that plot.
  • And we have about 15
  • plots.
  • And so you're able to say,
  • "Okay, this is how many birds we
  • have across these plots, this is
  • what our density is."
  • And then we also currently have our
  • plots set up to where the
  • habitat, like the height,
  • the canopy height within each plot,
  • is comparable to what we see across
  • the Preserve as a whole,
  • so that we can just say,
  • roughly, "This is how many
  • birds we think we have on
  • the Preserve overall.
  • And then we can look at, you
  • know, whether the population seems
  • to be increasing or stable
  • or decreasing over time.
  • Well, you know, it's intriguing
  • to me how you
  • count. I mean, I guess,
  • you know, we all learn when we're
  • little kids to count on our fingers
  • and maybe our toes.
  • But what you're doing seems
  • more complicated because you're
  • going from these 15 test
  • plots to tens of
  • thousands of acres and, you know,
  • the entire range of a bird.
  • And I guess this
  • is difficult enough where there
  • have been controversies
  • about it. And I was wondering if
  • you could talk a bit about,
  • you know, this recent controversy
  • regarding Doctors Collier
  • and Morrison and the numbers
  • that they came up with versus
  • those that the City felt
  • more comfortable with.
  • And,
  • you know, I guess there's
  • the whole issue of
  • how you monitor, how you model,
  • how you extrapolate.
  • And maybe you can
  • try to open that whole bag
  • of worms, can of worms,
  • up for us.
  • Right.
  • Yeah. I think, you know, the way I
  • look at ours, is, I mean, ours is
  • very specific.
  • It is labor-intensive.
  • But it's the most accurate
  • estimate you can get.
  • Um, and
  • I think doing point counts,
  • I mean, we've, we've done point
  • counts too, which is what the A&M
  • folks have done and recently
  • Fish & Wildlife has done as well,
  • and a lot of people use them.
  • Um, but
  • I think you can
  • use point counts. It's just a really
  • rapid quick method, but you
  • have to validate it.
  • You have to see, because they all
  • overestimate, the point counts
  • overestimate. And we know that for,
  • you know, if you're trying to come
  • up with a density or abundance.
  • So if that's your goal is to try
  • to say how many birds you have,
  • you really have to get in there and
  • say, "Okay, here are some people who
  • are doing intensive monitoring.
  • They're counting every bird.
  • You know, they've got them
  • color-banded. They, you know,
  • everybody's got a unique ID.
  • They know where the nests are. They
  • know how many fledglings.
  • So use that
  • intensive data
  • to validate this rapid
  • method and just see how much
  • you're off.
  • I, I'll just throw out
  • this, you know, and let
  • me know if, if this is a good
  • analogy. But I'm thinking about
  • like, like the human
  • census for the United States.
  • So you do a census and you
  • go in and you look at every
  • household and you're counting the
  • number of people and their ages
  • and, you know, their occupation and
  • whatever.
  • All right, then. That's really
  • labor-intensive, right?
  • Um, but,
  • if you were to do a rapid method,
  • doing something like a point count,
  • you would say, "Okay,
  • well, I'm going to pick
  • "X" number of points.
  • I'm going to spread them out across
  • our cities, primarily
  • where we got a lot of humans.
  • And we're going to stand at these
  • different points and we're going to
  • stand there for 5 minutes or however
  • long. Usually it's like anywhere
  • from 3 minutes to 5 minutes.
  • And we're going to just, we're going
  • to listen and we're going to count
  • the number of humans that we
  • hear, and how far away are they.
  • And we don't need that census
  • anymore. We're just going to use, you know,
  • these point, point
  • estimates.
  • And we're only going to do it once.
  • And we're mainly going to focus in
  • on the cities with the highest
  • densities of people.
  • And then we're going to extrapolate
  • it, you know, across the state,
  • across the country, whatever.
  • Um, and, you know, I
  • just say, please try that and see
  • how accurate it is.
  • But that's essentially, you
  • know, what the point counts are
  • doing. I, I think,
  • and I don't know if
  • I explained it well enough, but the
  • difference, you know, between what
  • we're doing and this other method is
  • that you pick a point
  • and you just stand there and you
  • listen to how many birds you've got.
  • And then you extrapolate.
  • I think that's fine if you want to
  • look at presence/absence.
  • I think it's fine if you want to see
  • relative abundance: you
  • know, like this site seems to have
  • more than this other site.
  • But to actually come up with a
  • population estimate based on that
  • is really questionable.
  • And when we have compared it with
  • our numbers, we've found that they
  • really overestimate
  • and we have some really good
  • habitat.
  • What we found is that
  • they tend to do okay in the
  • estimates
  • where the habitat's really good and
  • the densities are high.
  • Where they're really problematic
  • are where the densities are really
  • low.
  • And yeah, so we
  • ended up writing a paper on that
  • because we thought, "Well, this is
  • interesting, this is an interesting
  • phenomenon", because again, we've
  • used point counts as well,
  • we've used models to try to predict
  • how many birds we have, and there
  • are predictive models.
  • They're not really estimates.
  • They are predictions.
  • So we've found with
  • the models that we've
  • paid for and funded,
  • that they have the same tendency
  • that all of the models that we've
  • looked at. Fort Hood has done the
  • same thing.
  • Becky Peake at Fort Hood did a
  • couple of different papers that
  • found that, you know, Fort Hood has
  • overestimated what, you
  • know, the intensive monitoring data
  • was showing.
  • So the question is how much?
  • What we were hoping to do with the
  • paper that we wrote where we looked
  • at the A&M paper in addition
  • to ours, or their model
  • in addition to our model, was
  • just encourage people to look at
  • that phenomenon and say, "What's,
  • what's going on?
  • Why is it, why
  • are they really, really
  • overestimating the birds in these
  • areas?"
  • Well, you know, just as
  • a layperson looking at this
  • from the outside, it would seem like
  • point counts would be tricky
  • for a bird that's such a specialist,
  • and that's really sensitive to
  • the habitat that's available to it.
  • And then you've got a place like
  • Austin that's developing so fast,
  • and the habitat
  • is changing and probably degrading
  • in a lot of places.
  • Is that, is that
  • a fair concern?
  • You know, I think it probably would
  • be a concern for any species.
  • Yeah. I mean, I am, you know, I've,
  • I've heard point counts that they
  • just tend to overestimate,
  • across the board.
  • But yeah, you're right.
  • I mean, for a habitat specialist
  • like this, um,
  • you know, especially one that's
  • really rare,
  • I, I
  • would guess that, yeah, it is really
  • problematic.
  • My, my goal, like when
  • we wrote this paper that
  • ended up being controversial when
  • it really shouldn't have been,
  • but, yeah, it was just to kind of
  • point this out and then just to
  • say, so we didn't, we
  • didn't delve into like the "why"
  • so much. We talked a little bit
  • about it in the discussion of our
  • paper of some reasons
  • why, but it was really to encourage
  • people, you know, to do
  • the modeling, to
  • figure out why, and figure out what
  • was going on with it.
  • And so, yeah, so we, we
  • didn't go into that too much,
  • but, but when, when we were
  • writing the paper, we looked at
  • other studies that had also
  • found that, you know, point counts
  • tended to overestimate based
  • on different, you know, different
  • factors.
  • Um, yeah.
  • So you mentioned a couple of times
  • that this is a rare bird,
  • and I guess it's sort of by
  • definition since it's an endangered
  • species.
  • I was curious if you could comment
  • a little bit about these
  • genetic studies that you
  • worked on with Dr. Athrey
  • and Dr. Moulton.
  • And, you know,
  • whether
  • Dr. Athrey's work, I guess
  • which is, you know, you've seen some
  • results. The other is apparently
  • still pending.
  • But have you seen any
  • issues of inbreeding or hybridizing
  • with this small population of
  • warbler?
  • So Dr. Athrey's paper,
  • the one that published, it was
  • published, I think, in 2011,
  • it was really interesting because
  • he was looking at,
  • you know, birds.
  • I think he looked at them in three
  • different areas in central Texas
  • and compared
  • the DNA,
  • the genetic diversity
  • at that time, which was probably,
  • yeah, would have been right before
  • 2011.
  • But a more current
  • assessment of the genetic health of
  • the species with these
  • museum specimens that were over 100
  • years old.
  • And so he was able to look at this a
  • long time
  • period to say, "Okay, is there a
  • difference between, you know,
  • what the genetic
  • diversity was back,
  • you know, a hundred years ago versus
  • what we saw today?
  • And he found a significant decline
  • in genetic diversity
  • that correlated
  • with habitat loss and fragmentation.
  • And also found more
  • differentiation.
  • So, the populations were getting
  • more isolated.
  • He, I remember
  • him mentioning inbreeding,
  • but the main focus of
  • the paper was this genetic
  • diversity and genetic
  • differentiation and
  • that there had been a decline,
  • essentially, in the overall genetic
  • health of the warbler due to
  • habitat loss and fragmentation.
  • And so what we're looking at now,
  • because he was very
  • focused on - I'm trying to think,
  • I think he looked at maybe Fort
  • Hood, Kerr Wildlife Management
  • Area, and San Antonio,
  • I think. I'd have to go back and
  • look at the paper,
  • but it was a fairly small area.
  • And what we've done is
  • collaborated with Dr.
  • Athrey and Laura Moulton.
  • Dr. Moulton has collected
  • over 280 samples
  • from individuals across the entire
  • breeding range, including the
  • northern part where the habitat is
  • really small and patchy, to
  • compare to the area to the south
  • where the patches are much bigger.
  • And so that's going to be really,
  • really interesting.
  • Dr. Athrey is still working on the
  • sequencing of
  • the samples, but hopefully
  • we'll have something.
  • I'm hoping any day he's going to
  • call and say, "Okay, we got
  • everything done and we're ready to
  • analyze it. And here's what it looks
  • like."
  • Well, and I think you
  • have been explaining how
  • the genetic changes
  • seem to correlate with
  • the habitat decline.
  • And I was hoping
  • that this might be a sort of
  • segue to talk about
  • what you've learned about the
  • historical ecology of the
  • Texas Hill Country and,
  • you know, maybe touch on some of the
  • debates that have been had
  • about the
  • past extent of grasslands
  • versus juniper forests
  • in the Hill Country.
  • Is that something you could talk
  • about?
  • Oh, sure.
  • Yeah. And it's actually a nice segue
  • too, just thinking about the
  • historical ecology,
  • because Henry Attwater, I'm actually
  • going to pull out this quote,
  • Henry Attwater
  • said back in 1892
  • that, "the golden-cheeked warblers
  • are nowhere abundant and only
  • to be met in the thickest cedar
  • breaks. As these are fast being
  • cut and burnt out., The bird
  • will no doubt become still
  • more rare.
  • So, Henry Atwater,
  • over 100 years ago, was
  • concerned about
  • the plight of the species because
  • there was so much deforestation
  • going on.
  • And yeah, just backing up
  • to how I got interested in the
  • historical ecology
  • was when I was working for the U.S.
  • Fish and Wildlife Service, and
  • again, it was right after the
  • warbler was listed as endangered.
  • And I remember being out with,
  • um, actually there was some
  • developer and they
  • were looking out across the
  • landscape and saying, yeah, all
  • this juniper is invasive.
  • You know, this used to be
  • grasslands.
  • And I went back and I talked to
  • Carol Beardmore, who was our lead
  • for gold-cheeked warblers at the
  • Fish and Wildlife Office at the
  • time, she's the one who worked on
  • the recovery plan, and
  • I said, "So what's up with
  • this about all this
  • grass." And, Carol is the who
  • introduced me to Dale Whitaker's
  • book, The Explorer's Texas,
  • which I would say is my all-time
  • favorite book.
  • And so I
  • got interested in that and then
  • pulling out of the information kind
  • of again first-hand, so I think it
  • goes back to that professor at UT
  • saying, "You know, don't just let
  • people spoon-feed you.
  • You need to go look up everything
  • yourself."
  • So, I just spent,
  • you know,
  • lots and lots of time over
  • 20-some odd years, just spending
  • time in the, in the archives,
  • in the library, you know, the
  • historical libraries, and
  • pulling out, you know, historic
  • accounts, the original eyewitness
  • accounts, and looking at what people
  • said first-hand,
  • pulling out old photographs, looking
  • at old maps,
  • anything I could get my hands on.
  • And then I just kind of compiled
  • that into a presentation
  • that items, you know, made into
  • this kind of a report
  • that was based on my PowerPoint, but
  • it just kind of summarizes all the
  • information. But yeah, the eastern
  • edge of the Edwards Plateau was
  • heavily wooded.
  • And, you know, there's photos that
  • go back to the 1890s
  • that show that, so
  • basically looks like it what it does
  • today.
  • And yeah,
  • as you go farther west, you know,
  • the western edge of the Edwards
  • Plateau becomes
  • more like black-eyed vireo habitat.
  • It gets more shrubby and
  • more sparse.
  • And then you eventually either get
  • to the Trans-Pecos and you've got
  • more desert vegetation or the
  • High Plains where you really have,
  • that's where your grasslands are
  • undisputedly, you know, prairie.
  • Well, and so how, how
  • has that habitat
  • changed since, you
  • know, maybe take as a starting
  • point, Attwater's
  • visit in the 1890s,
  • what he might have seen then,
  • both the kind of activities then,
  • to today?
  • Could you track that?
  • Yeah. Well, you know.
  • So, what's the, so
  • after the Civil War,
  • when, you know, we
  • had settlers moving in
  • and we got
  • rid of the buffalo and we replaced
  • them with cattle and sheep
  • and goats. So, you know, you've got
  • the agricultural expansion.
  • Um.
  • Yeah, you're wanting, you're
  • wanting it grassy so that those
  • animals can, can eat.
  • And so big changes going
  • on.
  • And not only with, you know,
  • the livestock,
  • but also with the barbed wire
  • fencing, which was patented in the
  • 1860s,
  • I think.
  • And so, for your barbed wire fences,
  • then, you're clearing all
  • of this juniper.
  • So, juniper becomes
  • like a really important commodity
  • for, you know, for the fences.
  • They were shipping it out
  • to other states, all the way up to
  • Nebraska for, you know,
  • for barbed wire fencing,
  • for telegraph poles, for building
  • materials (like our house is even
  • built on juniper piers).
  • I don't know if it's Ashe juniper,
  • but it's definitely some kind of
  • juniper.
  • Um, so, yeah, you've
  • got this whole culture of people
  • that they referred to as,
  • "cedar choppers", and they even
  • had a special axe
  • called the "Kerrville Cedar Axe",
  • which was meant
  • specially for cutting down
  • juniper.
  • And you can still see those old
  • hatchet marks when
  • you go look at, you know,
  • places that still have junipers.
  • There's hardly any, I don't know of
  • any place, where I don't see an old
  • cedar stump or
  • some axe marks.
  • But, but, yeah, for a really
  • long time, and that started,
  • I mean, the clearing of juniper
  • started,
  • you know, around the time of the
  • Civil War or even a little bit prior
  • to that.
  • And so, I'll have people,
  • you know, kind of refer to what was
  • going on in the 1900s.
  • I'm like, I know, but you're talking
  • second or third growth at that point
  • because that was being cut
  • way back.
  • There's a great report by
  • a guy named William Bray.
  • He actually wrote a couple of
  • reports and he was a
  • botanist who worked at the
  • University of Texas for
  • a while, but he wrote
  • about the timber of the Edwards Plateau
  • and he documents all
  • this change that's happening.
  • And then his reports were in 1904.
  • So, and again, he's got photographs
  • of the Austin area, some of the
  • places where we currently work.
  • And he just, he
  • talked about the impact that it was
  • having on the landscape, that
  • as you cut these trees down,
  • you've got these steep slopes,
  • you're losing all of your soil
  • whenever it rains.
  • And you have
  • very sparse vegetation that's coming
  • back.
  • And so, that's all the way back in
  • 1904, all
  • these big changes that are
  • happening.
  • And also about the same time,
  • you know, again, that Attwater was,
  • you know, talking about concerns
  • about the golden-cheeked warbler.
  • Well, so this was, I
  • guess a
  • time when these trees were
  • being cut for themselves,
  • for,
  • as you say, telephone poles or piers
  • or fence posts.
  • But it sounds like in, in
  • later years,
  • you know, maybe
  • simultaneously, the trees were being
  • cut for grazing
  • and then
  • for development and road
  • construction. Is that right?
  • Yeah, yeah.
  • Yeah, definitely.
  • Yeah. Definitely
  • changed over time.
  • I, I would say, you
  • know, probably,
  • up through about the 1930s, 1940s,
  • the 1950s, we had a big drought
  • that killed a bunch of trees as
  • well.
  • But that was kind of, you know,
  • sort of the heyday of,
  • you know, the cattle and the
  • livestock, you know, the other livestock,
  • but goats and cows, probably
  • primarily, I think sheep were early
  • on. And then later it was more goats
  • and cattle.
  • But then after the 1950s
  • drought,
  • something happens with the livestock
  • industry where it didn't seem like
  • it was quite as profitable.
  • I'm not sure exactly what happened,
  • because my focus has always been up
  • to about 1900.
  • But there was
  • regrowth, I guess, of
  • the forest, and the shrubs
  • were starting to come back.
  • And if you look at old aerial
  • photos, you can see that.
  • So, say, like 1940,
  • uh, somewhat wooded, then 1950,
  • the drought hit.
  • But 1960, 1970, 1980,
  • you've got kind of
  • the woodlands coming back.
  • And then 1990 hits and then
  • you start seeing that development.
  • So yeah, so and
  • in a lot of places, it's kind of
  • converting over from agriculture
  • to development because
  • it's whatever's profitable, right?
  • Well. And I guess part of what's
  • going on aside
  • from the land
  • use is that you start
  • having people occupy
  • this country
  • with,
  • you know, the animals
  • and the vehicles
  • that accompany their occupation
  • there. And I was wondering if you
  • could speculate at all about,
  • you know, some of those companion
  • animals, whether it's feral cats
  • or dogs.
  • And if they might have had an impact
  • on the golden-cheeked warbler.
  • So, I
  • haven't witnessed that first-hand.
  • I'm sure if there was a
  • big population
  • of feral cats that they,
  • if they were releasing them along,
  • you know, along the boundaries of
  • warbler habitat.
  • The thing with the golden-cheek is
  • that they're, they nest
  • pretty high up off the ground.
  • So,
  • it'd be a lot harder for feral cats
  • to get to them, except when
  • they're young, come out of the nest,
  • they're really vulnerable.
  • A lot of times they fly to the
  • ground, they flap around.
  • I remember when I was out
  • at Hippie Hollow once because
  • we used to have black-capped vireos
  • there.
  • And there was a guy
  • who I
  • don't even know how we found out
  • about it, but he reported this
  • little baby bird that
  • his dog had brought to him, and it
  • turned out to be a black-capped vireo.
  • So, yeah, they definitely
  • can have an impact.
  • I would say the most vulnerable time
  • for them is going to be when they
  • leave the nest, and, you know,
  • they're kind of flapping, running on
  • the ground.
  • They're going to be easy pickings
  • for just about anything.
  • Okay. And then I
  • guess another
  • factor I'd like to hear your
  • thoughts about is, is the impact
  • of the
  • brown-headed cowbird.
  • Do you think that they had
  • a significant effect
  • on the warblers'
  • fate?
  • So not as much
  • as like the black -capped vireo.
  • The black-capped vireo, it
  • was devastating for them, wherever,
  • wherever
  • there were brown-headed cowbirds.
  • Because they,
  • they pecked the eggs, they put
  • holes in them.
  • And those holes tend to sometimes
  • get run over, you know, overrun with
  • fire ants. And then they lay their
  • own eggs in there, too.
  • So, you know,
  • there's pretty much a 100%
  • mortality of the
  • black-capped vireo young.
  • And so cowbird
  • trapping, you know, trying to remove
  • cowbirds from areas where you've got
  • black-capped vireos nesting,
  • actually has been really successful.
  • Um, there's some problems with it
  • too, because they also get
  • non-target birds.
  • They don't not always just get
  • brown-headed cowbirds.
  • But for golden-cheeked warbler,
  • because the habitat tends to be
  • closed-canopy forest,
  • the brown-head cowbirds tend
  • to lay their eggs and tend to,
  • you know,
  • yeah, tend to inhabit more
  • open areas.
  • I mean, they moved, they evolved
  • to kind of move with the, with the
  • bison.
  • And so, they're, they're preferring
  • more open, scrubby-type habitat,
  • and not in a forest.
  • And so the golden-cheeked warbler tends to not be
  • as vulnerable for
  • that reason, habitat-wise.
  • But that is a problem with the
  • fragmentation.
  • Whenever you do have fragmentation,
  • you potentially can get birds
  • like cowbirds,
  • you know, invading those areas.
  • But
  • also, it's been reported
  • that they can fledge some of their
  • own young in addition to a cowbird.
  • I actually watched a brown-headed
  • cowbird fledge out of a
  • golden-cheeked nest
  • one time. And I had been
  • monitoring this nest for a while
  • and I could see
  • little heads in there.
  • And then at one point, I notice, my
  • God, I'm only seeing this one head.
  • And it just seemed like there, you
  • know, I couldn't figure out what was
  • going on with the other one.
  • And then I actually watched it
  • literally get out of the nest and it
  • was just this big thing that
  • kind of towered over his parents.
  • And he's got orange legs.
  • He's not cute.
  • He's got a weird sound.
  • And, you know, I swear the
  • parents were embarrassed.
  • But, but,
  • that's, yeah, it's, it's kind of
  • rare, at least in our
  • area.
  • And also,
  • you know, you tend to get
  • brown-headed cowbirds more where
  • you've got livestock nearby.
  • And with the development,
  • you know, we've seen kind of a shift
  • of livestock out of this
  • area.
  • And so, the cowbirds don't tend to
  • be as abundant as they were.
  • I mean, we still see them in some
  • places, but
  • not nearly in the numbers that we
  • had, like in the '80s,
  • when we had all the
  • ranches and stuff.
  • Well, you talked
  • about the
  • changes in land use
  • and in the habitat and
  • a little about the, I
  • guess domestic animals and
  • about the brown-headed cowbirds.
  • Is there any other kind of
  • issue that may be in play
  • that would be responsible
  • for the warblers' decline over
  • the past number of generations?
  • Yeah. It's really just habitat loss,
  • you know, and you can't, you can't
  • get it back. I mean, these trees
  • grow, like all
  • of the trees, but
  • Ashe junipers grow really, really
  • slowly. And one
  • common denominator in the habitat
  • is that you tend to have these
  • really, really old trees.
  • I've had people ask me like, do
  • I know of examples of old-growth
  • forests? And no,
  • I don't know of any places that
  • haven't been cut, but
  • I do know places where we have
  • old-growth trees and
  • that's where we tend to have our
  • golden-cheeks, and this is where
  • you've got these really, really old
  • trees, and you may have younger
  • trees around them, but
  • it takes a really, really long time.
  • We've measured it. Independently,
  • Warren Pulich documented this.
  • William Bray
  • sort of inadvertently documented it
  • by showing a picture of regrowth
  • juniper.
  • And then we done some
  • measurements. And then a researcher
  • on the Balcones Canyonlands National
  • Wildlife Refuge, also looked
  • at diameter growth rates
  • of Ashe juniper, and
  • that, on average, it
  • grows about an inch per decade,
  • expanding. So if you've got
  • a ten-inch tree in diameter,
  • you're looking at about 100 years
  • old.
  • That's a really long time, you
  • know, for
  • habitat to grow back and
  • then and then that's just the tree,
  • that's not like all of the other
  • things that go along, you know,
  • within that, that ecosystem.
  • So yeah.
  • So once you lose it, I mean, you
  • lose an old-growth forest, or old-growth trees,
  • it's very, very hard to get back.
  • So that's really the main, the main
  • thing.
  • But then I also ought to say, I
  • mean, I think people's perceptions,
  • you know, the kind of the
  • myth of Ashe juniper, and the
  • vilification of juniper,
  • and people just cutting it because
  • they think it's bad.
  • Um, that's, that's another
  • big threat. But again, it goes back
  • to that habitat loss.
  • Well. And why do you think
  • a tree would ever be considered
  • a hero or a villain or have any
  • kind of,
  • sort of stature like that.
  • It's, it's a plant.
  • Oh, yeah. You mean, like, why do
  • people hate on the Ashe juniper so
  • much?
  • Yeah.
  • Yeah, that's a good question.
  • I've always
  • wondered about this. What's up with this? Do we have
  • this issue anywhere else in the
  • world, you know, where there's this one tree that
  • that everybody hates?
  • Um.
  • I don't know. I don't really have an
  • answer to that.
  • Um, except that it's, it's
  • not great for cows.
  • I don't know.
  • Yeah, it's kind
  • of beyond me.
  • But you know, I remember
  • in the, I took a class at UT
  • in the early '80s, and I remember
  • hearing that, you know, this was all
  • grass. This is all invasive.
  • Um, and then in the '90s,
  • it just seemed like it picked up,
  • you know, and just
  • everybody was on that bandwagon at
  • that point.
  • So it seemed like that vilification
  • really picked up in the
  • in the '90s and onward.
  • So, you know, whether it's
  • development or agriculture,
  • I pick a
  • question, but it's everything from,
  • you know, it sucks up water.
  • It's a water hog.
  • It's a fire risk.
  • You know, I I've heard people from
  • Oklahoma tell me that
  • it increases mosquitoes
  • and ticks. And
  • I'd like to see those data.
  • Um.
  • But yeah, I know.
  • It's just like I look at it
  • completely different.
  • It's, it's, it's the foundation
  • of our ecosystem.
  • It's the pioneer and the climax
  • species.
  • It creates the soil, it provides
  • the shade.
  • And, you know, we talk about
  • plants needing light and always
  • trying to reach for the light.
  • But now, try that in
  • August, try that right now.
  • Who wants to be out in the light
  • right now?
  • It's fairly hot out there.
  • So, shade is really so
  • important here.
  • And we've done studies on oak
  • seedlings, and if you don't have
  • shade, they're all dead by
  • the end of August because it's just
  • too frigging hot.
  • So yeah, plants and other things,
  • you know, and what else
  • can survive in that besides
  • something like juniper? It provides,
  • like the perfect dappled light.
  • Um.
  • Yeah.
  • We're looking into the mycorrhizal
  • fungi and some other things right
  • now, potentially as well,
  • you know, that might be
  • benefiting the plant community
  • as a whole.
  • But yeah, I just see so many
  • benefits and,
  • hopefully, I don't know, we'll see
  • if we can get that information out
  • there.
  • Talk about the underdog.
  • Yes. Yes.
  • Well, one last question
  • about the, I guess, the
  • risk that the warbler faces
  • in its habitat.
  • I've heard people say that
  • the warbler is part of this
  • group of wood
  • warblers that tend to be
  • in cooler
  • environments than the golden-cheeked warbler.
  • And that it, the golden-cheeked, is sort
  • of an outlier and that
  • the increasing heat
  • that we're seeing is, is
  • putting a stress on the bird
  • and it also is the droughts that
  • we've been having a tough on the
  • juniper itself.
  • Do you see that as a factor or is
  • that hard to isolate?
  • Oh, my gosh.
  • Yeah, I'm glad you brought that up.
  • No, that's huge.
  • Climate change is huge.
  • And this season has been
  • especially bad.
  • I've been monitoring golden-cheeks
  • since 2008.
  • I've never seen a year like this
  • year, where it's hot, dry, windy
  • - windy every single day.
  • And yeah, we,
  • we were noticing golden-cheek
  • females
  • actually standing on the rim of
  • their nests, holding their wings out
  • over the nestlings.
  • I don't, I'm sure they've done that
  • in the past, but
  • that's something that a lot of our
  • biologists were noticing this year.
  • I'm sure it makes it harder for them
  • to find food for themselves,
  • for the young, to make that trip
  • back to Central America.
  • They've got to get these, you know,
  • lots of fat reserves to make that
  • trip down there.
  • Um, so
  • yeah, and then the impact it has
  • on the plant community
  • itself and, yeah, with
  • the tree mortality.
  • I was noticing
  • dead trees, even some
  • of the really big old trees,
  • this year on some of
  • the plots that I was working on.
  • So no, climate change is another
  • huge, huge factor.
  • But I think also, you know, with
  • that, you know, if you look back
  • in time historically,
  • our species
  • just tends to want to clear
  • stuff out.
  • So, the response to that is like,
  • oh, these are fire risks.
  • So, you get more and more clearing.
  • And, and I think
  • that just exacerbates the problem.
  • You know, I'm
  • not a meteorologist, but
  • hopefully somebody at some point
  • will look into, you know, the role
  • of our forests with
  • the hydrologic cycle and
  • rain and climate.
  • But we definitely know it cool
  • things off and
  • you've got higher humidity,
  • and when you lose your forests,
  • it's drying things out and making
  • it, you know, hotter,
  • drier.
  • And then we know about carbon
  • sequestration.
  • So, that's an easy one too.
  • Okay.
  • Well, thanks for walking us through
  • this.
  • So, this sort of gives us
  • the background on the decline
  • of the bird, and
  • I guess it'd be worth
  • talking a little bit about how that
  • was recognized and
  • sort of formally
  • endorsed in the listing
  • under the Endangered Species Act.
  • Can you tell us a little bit about
  • that process?
  • You know, whether I don't know how
  • far back you could go, you know,
  • Pulich's study back in '76, or the
  • Category 2 species listing in
  • 1982.
  • What can you tell us about the
  • listing of the warbler?
  • It's been a while since I've read
  • Pulich. I mean, you know, back
  • in the '80s, that was like the
  • Bible, right?
  • That was like definitive,
  • at the time - you know, great
  • little book.
  • It's been a while since I've read
  • it. I don't know about why
  • the warbler got on the original
  • list. There were a ton of species
  • that, you know, went on the list
  • originally.
  • Maybe it went on that way.
  • I don't know.
  • But, but, yeah,
  • it was a Category 2 for a long time.
  • And in my understanding, and this
  • again is going to be peripherally,
  • is that
  • EarthFirst!, Tim Jones, in particular,
  • put together a petition to
  • the Fish and Wildlife Service, and
  • was just noting, like
  • the permanent habitat loss
  • now. You know, agriculture is one
  • thing. You know, you have to wait a
  • long time for things to come back.
  • But development, it's like, that's
  • it.
  • We're done. You know, there's no
  • more habitat, right?
  • And so, so,
  • Tim, I, I never actually saw
  • his petition, but he
  • submitted it for the Fish and
  • Wildlife Service in early 1990,
  • I believe, and it's just documented.
  • I remember talking to the biologists
  • who worked on it and she said
  • he was just showing, you know,
  • all of these different places that
  • we were going to lose.
  • And, you know,
  • losing habitat in western Travis
  • County in particular, I think was
  • kind of the focus of it.
  • And so Fish and Wildlife
  • got that. And because the
  • development was happening,
  • you know, was proposed like right
  • away, they went
  • ahead and emergency listed it.
  • So, so the way
  • the petition works is
  • Fish and Wildlife get the petition.
  • They will evaluate it if,
  • if they determine that the risk is
  • so imminent that the species
  • itself is at risk, they can
  • opt to do this emergency listing.
  • And then that's followed by,
  • I don't know how many times that
  • that's happened, but then that's
  • followed by,
  • they'll do a 90-day finding,
  • they'll do a 12-month finding, and
  • then they'll do a final rule.
  • And all of that happened, I think,
  • within the span of a year.
  • I think the final rule even came
  • out, I need to go back
  • and look, but it was either the
  • end of 1990 or early
  • 1991, which is also
  • really unusual that
  • things can happen that quickly.
  • [Maybe...
  • No, distracting.]
  • So that's really what I what I know
  • about that process
  • was that, yes, it was a petition
  • and that it was compelling
  • enough that the species was
  • losing habitat
  • so quickly and so imminently
  • that the decision was made to
  • do the emergency listing.
  • Well, I think one
  • thing that you mentioned which sort
  • of caught my attention was
  • that, if I heard you right,
  • was that the changes
  • in land use were unlike
  • those with agriculture where,
  • you know, one decade you might
  • be clearing brush,
  • but then the next year you might,
  • the next decade you might have
  • some of the juniper and oaks
  • growing, but that the habitat
  • changes with development were
  • permanent.
  • Right.
  • It may be slow following
  • agriculture, but eventually it
  • will happen.
  • And again, if they have old
  • trees, if it's close to an area
  • that's occupied habitat,
  • you know, there are a lot of things
  • that can play into that where the
  • habitat can come back, um,
  • you know, eventually.
  • It might take a little while, but,
  • but it, you know, eventually it can
  • come back.
  • And, yeah,
  • with development, it's gone.
  • Yeah.
  • Okay. Well,
  • so maybe we can move forward so
  • that, as
  • folks recognized
  • the bird is under threat and it was
  • listed, then I understand
  • that one of the responses was to try
  • to set up some
  • preserve land, and
  • one of those, of course, was the Balcones Canyonlands
  • Preserve, where you ...
  • [Nope, I can't hear you David.]
  • [Yeah. I'm here. I can hear you.]
  • [I mean, yeah, I
  • just had a really long gap where I
  • could not hear you.]
  • Okay, well,
  • let me just sort of repeat
  • what I think you might have missed,
  • not that it's any great, valuable
  • poetry, but,
  • I was just going to say that you've
  • sort of set up the
  • segue that the species is
  • listed and
  • then as a response, there were
  • efforts to set habitat
  • aside for it, to protect it.
  • And one of those tracts
  • that was set aside
  • is the Balcones Canyonlands
  • Preserve, where you
  • have served as a biologist since
  • 2007.
  • And I was hoping that you
  • could talk about the origins
  • of the Preserve and
  • you know what you've seen out there
  • in the 15 years you've
  • been there?
  • Yeah. So that's, that's where,
  • you know, and actually the origins
  • started back in the late '80s
  • where they had, you know, biologists
  • and politicians, it's actually
  • amazing that it happened in Texas.
  • But, um,
  • but yeah, they were the ones that
  • kind of got it all started and
  • worked with the Fish and Wildlife
  • Service, you know,
  • issues this, Fish and Wildlife
  • issues this regional habitat
  • conservation plan, this regional
  • permit, to cover
  • incidental take of not only the
  • warbler but the vireo and cave
  • invertebrates, and, you know, there
  • were a couple of plants in there as
  • well.
  • And then that permit was issued in
  • 1996, and it
  • was predicated upon having
  • this preserve system
  • that was at least, you know, 30,000
  • acres or more.
  • Originally, when the
  • scientific advisory committee
  • said that, you know, they
  • were taking a look at how much area
  • they needed to protect all of these
  • species, they recommended
  • 125,000 acres.
  • And I remember being in the meeting
  • when they presented that to the
  • politicians, and it didn't go
  • over particularly well.
  • And so what they ended up
  • doing was that's where the
  • Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge,
  • came in with, okay,
  • the City of Austin and
  • Travis County would do this
  • 30,000-acre
  • preserve and
  • the refuge would do their
  • acquisition (boundaries are
  • around 40,000, I think).
  • Even so, those two things
  • together, so, you know, about half
  • of what the scientific advisory
  • committee had actually recommended.
  • Part of the reason that they
  • recommended something as big as that
  • was to allow a buffer
  • between
  • the preserve and the development.
  • And so since I've been
  • with the Fish and Wildlife Service,
  • I mean Fish and Wildlife, since I've
  • been with the Balcones Canyonlands
  • Preserve, we've
  • just had this tremendous growth
  • and development, you know, into
  • western Travis County.
  • And we've actually got aerial
  • photos that kind of document that,
  • and show it from 1996,
  • 2006, 2016.
  • And so I
  • kind of watched the transition
  • from, you know, preserve
  • that's fairly, you know,
  • intact with the surrounding
  • forest, to
  • essentially an urban preserve, you
  • know, where we're getting surrounded
  • more and more.
  • And so with that, you know, you
  • see more trespass.
  • You get, you know,
  • people that are worried about fire
  • that are cutting trees down along
  • the boundaries.
  • And that was the reason why the
  • scientific advisory committee wanted
  • this buffer, because they knew
  • things like that would happen, you
  • know, along that wildland
  • / urban interface.
  • And so, we don't have that
  • that buffer, essentially.
  • But, I mean,
  • the good part about the preserve
  • system was that, you know,
  • we protected the best habitat
  • within Travis County.
  • We're also losing,
  • you know, it allows the loss
  • of over 70% of the habitat
  • in Travis County.
  • But in exchange for protecting,
  • you know, the best.
  • And so it's quite a privilege
  • and an honor to try to, to try
  • to do that, and to try to make
  • our preserve system the best it can
  • be, given
  • all the things happening around it.
  • Well, so
  • I understand that you have been
  • involved with efforts
  • to manage
  • the preserve in a way that
  • maybe addresses the risk of invasive
  • species by taking some of
  • those out and then also
  • doing some native planning,
  • working together with the
  • Conservation Corps, and TreeFolks,
  • and I assume others.
  • Can you talk a little bit about some
  • of those habitat management
  • efforts that you've been involved
  • with?
  • Yeah. Yeah.
  • So one of the things I, you know,
  • when I first started working for
  • the, I'll just
  • BCP for short,
  • I was just kind of struck with, it
  • just seems like in central Texas,
  • the land management focuses on
  • three things, and it's all
  • destructive.
  • It's either cutting stuff down,
  • it's burning it, or it's herbiciding
  • it, or a combination
  • of the three.
  • And what I was asking our
  • biologists to look at is like, what
  • about regenerative?
  • Why can't we build up?
  • Let's grow things like, you
  • know, let's, let's expand.
  • And, um,
  • so we've done a little
  • bit of that. I mean, I guess,
  • everything kind of starts slow.
  • But, but yeah, it's like
  • clearing juniper is like a panacea.
  • And we get volunteers to come
  • out, you know, and they'll ask us,
  • "When are you going to start thinning out your
  • junipers?" And so, "Well, they play
  • a really important role."
  • So and as you plant trees, you know,
  • you'll understand the value of
  • having something that actually
  • creates soil and where you have
  • something that you know that you can
  • actually plant in.
  • And so, yeah, we've been
  • experimenting with that.
  • We're going to start writing
  • a report and that's actually
  • next week, I'm hoping that we start
  • working on that, where we talk
  • about regenerative restoration.
  • Like creating healthy soil.
  • We've got a contract with a Ph.D.
  • graduate from Northern Arizona
  • University who was
  • a land manager and fire ecologist,
  • and went to get her Ph.D.
  • on mycorrhizal fungi.
  • And I don't know if you know about
  • the role of mycorrhizal fungi, but
  • they're in the soil and they
  • essentially extend the root system
  • of plants, and they get into
  • the parts of the soil in the rocks
  • that the plant roots can't get to.
  • And then they pull nutrients
  • out, they pull
  • water out, and
  • they transfer it.
  • You know, basically, they provide it
  • to not just one individual
  • plant, but to a community of plants.
  • And so these mycorrhizal
  • fungi are just playing a huge role
  • in ecosystem health
  • and well-being, and
  • we know so little about it.
  • So she's starting to
  • help us with that.
  • We're going to be looking at
  • soil biology and the role of
  • mycorrhizal fungi in
  • our communities and
  • then applying that for restoration
  • and land management.
  • But yeah, so that's, that's
  • basically it.
  • We, we, we've also focused
  • on what we call hyperlocal
  • seed collecting where we collect
  • seeds from parts of our preserve
  • that maybe have more diversity.
  • And we take those seed,
  • we have a vendor that helps us treat
  • them if needed.
  • Some trees some things need to be
  • either scarified or stratified.
  • And so, you know, our
  • vendor either grows out a subset, or
  • gives us the seeds where we plant
  • them directly in the field.
  • So we're trying this a lot of
  • different things that increase, you
  • know, plant diversity
  • and just increase the health of our
  • forests.
  • And also focusing on places
  • that you've had
  • so much
  • just degradation in the past, either
  • from cutting, burning, whatever,
  • you've got erosion, you know,
  • steep slopes, you've lost the soil.
  • How do you bring those areas back?
  • So we've been experimenting in those
  • places, too.
  • So hopefully writing,
  • you know, what we've learned so far
  • anyway into a little report.
  • Well, that's really wonderful.
  • It sounds like you are planning
  • for the future and trying to
  • learn from the past.
  • Oh, yeah.
  • So what I've
  • been sort of struck by is that
  • while we've been talking about the
  • golden-cheeked warbler, this
  • preserve system that you
  • work at is also
  • home to a number of
  • other species that are very rare
  • and special - the
  • bracted twistflower, the bone cave
  • harvestman, the Jollyville
  • Plateau salamander, the Barton's
  • Springs salamander, the Austin blind
  • salamander,
  • and of course, the black-capped
  • vireo.
  • And I was wondering
  • how the challenges that
  • the warbler faces
  • are shared with
  • these other creatures, or if there
  • are very distinct problems
  • facing them.
  • Right.
  • Well, it depends on who you
  • ask.
  • Um, based on my experience,
  • like you mentioned bracted twistflower,
  • which has been proposed for
  • listing as endangered.
  • Um, one of the threats that's
  • mentioned to the bracted
  • twistflower is Ashe juniper,
  • um, which
  • is counter to everything that we
  • see. And some of the largest
  • populations of this plant that
  • remain are on the Balcones
  • Canyonlands Preserve.
  • And we've looked at historical
  • areas, aerial photographs
  • and found that where
  • we have bracted twistflowers,
  • where we have these populations,
  • is in areas where it's had
  • the least amount of disturbance, at
  • least from what you can see from an
  • aerial photo.
  • You know, it's been continuous
  • forest - juniper/oak forest
  • - since 1940, which is the oldest
  • aerials we have.
  • And so that indicates to me that
  • juniper is not a
  • threat. I don't, I don't quite
  • understand how that how they
  • derive that.
  • But regardless, that's what's in the
  • proposed rule. It may come out into
  • the final rule as well.
  • And so, I don't see a
  • conflict there. I see it as being,
  • yeah, I think that
  • the warbler and the twistflower
  • actually have the same threat, which
  • is, you know, development.
  • And, you know,
  • in the case of the bracted
  • twistflower, it's also
  • recreation.
  • You know, people like trampling
  • it from, you know, hiking or biking
  • or whatever.
  • And deer herbivory as well.
  • For the cave invertebrates, it
  • is the same thing.
  • You need a healthy forest canopy cover.
  • That helps provide
  • food resources for cave crickets,
  • which forage
  • on the surface outside of the cave,
  • and then they go and they bring
  • nutrients back into the care.
  • They're a real keystone spaces
  • for cave ecosystem's health.
  • And then also keep the environment
  • of the cave cooler and more moist.
  • And so, you've got more
  • cave drips of water
  • and whatever. You know, you've got
  • stable environmental
  • conditions with the forest
  • cover.
  • And I think that's been shown pretty
  • well.
  • And
  • salamanders, Jollyville Plateau
  • salamanders: the part of the
  • species' range where we've got the
  • most abundances of
  • Jollyvillle Plateaus salamanders
  • also coincides with where you have
  • most of your golden-cheeked warbler
  • habitat.
  • So those are like,
  • yeah,
  • so, you know, protecting
  • golden-cheeked warbler habitat also
  • protects, you know, salamander
  • habitat and water quality
  • and quantity.
  • And, one other thing - yeah,
  • there's some really rare plants that
  • only occur in the forest as well.
  • The only species that's different
  • is the black-capped vireo and
  • the vireo, really, the heart of its
  • range is farther west.
  • It ranges down into Mexico, goes up
  • through central Texas, up into
  • Oklahoma. It's much more scrubby.
  • And where you do have black-cappeds,
  • you know, on the eastern edge of the
  • plateau is where you have some sort
  • of disturbance - whether it's
  • mechanical, you know, burning
  • or climate change, I think
  • is probably affecting it as well.
  • Where you've got tree mortality, you
  • know, you've got shrubs and things
  • that are growing back up underneath
  • that.
  • And so we may actually be seeing an
  • increase in black-cappeds from that.
  • So, you know, that's really
  • the only... but we've had
  • black-cappeds and golden-cheekeds
  • occupying the same space as well.
  • So I haven't seen that as being
  • like a huge threat.
  • Most of the preserve system is
  • managed for forests.
  • And then
  • there's a smaller area that's
  • managed for black-capped vireo.
  • Well, speaking of the vireo,
  • I think that was one of the first
  • rare species you worked with.
  • And I think
  • you once said that you started
  • monitoring them 35
  • years ago, about
  • the time it was listed as
  • endangered.
  • Can you tell us a little bit about
  • your first encounters with the bird?
  • Yeah. So I was working
  • for David Steed
  • and, oh
  • yeah, my first encounter with it:
  • because I was new to birding
  • and I had a couple of colleagues
  • who were working for David as well,
  • and they sent me off down to me to
  • Comanche Trail, not too far
  • from the Oasis restaurant, um,
  • like between... and that was back
  • when we could, you know, we'd walk
  • quickly across 620, but you could at
  • least walk across it.
  • And we had vireo
  • territories on both sides of 620,
  • like spanning 620.
  • But anyway, my job was to walk down
  • Comanche Trail and see if I could
  • find any black-capped vireos.
  • Well, it was typical warbler habitat
  • - closed-canopy forest for the most
  • part.
  • And I came back and I said,
  • "Guys, I found so many
  • black-cappeds, I can't, I can't
  • count them, would you want to come
  • out with me and, you know, just help
  • me kind of sort out how many we
  • have?" And they just looked at me
  • and said, "Oh, yeah, she's new, she
  • doesn't know what she's talking
  • about."
  • And so it turned out, I mean, you
  • know, we had about seven, I
  • think.
  • But it wasn't typical habitat.
  • But they had, you know, a surveyor
  • had gone through there and made some
  • survey cuts.
  • And so even though it
  • was closed canopy, it was mostly
  • warbler habitat, you had
  • along these survey cuts, you had
  • habitat coming back.
  • And so that was kind of my first
  • introduction was
  • that area.
  • And then I worked on
  • what we call today, "The Vireo
  • Preserve", which is next to Wild
  • Basin.
  • And that's where I met my husband,
  • Jim O'Donnell. I noticed you had
  • something about the wedding rings on
  • there.
  • And so, yeah, so that,
  • that was the other place that I went
  • out and helped Jim band.
  • He was banding, at
  • this point been banding
  • black-cappeds since, I think like
  • '84.
  • And then we actually watched them
  • disappear.
  • The Vireo Preserve Wild Basin
  • patch
  • had development
  • basically encroaching all around it.
  • Plus, again, it was kind of on the
  • eastern edge of the range and the
  • habitat at that point was kind of
  • growing up out of vireo
  • habitat, kind of going back toward
  • more of golden-cheeked warbler habitat.
  • Um, and so we ended up, you know,
  • basically watching
  • that species disappear from
  • 30, 35 territories
  • down to nothing.
  • So within a very short time.
  • It happened very, very quickly too.
  • They were gone basically by the end
  • of
  • the '80s.
  • Well. And what was it that
  • was
  • hurting the vireos.
  • But I guess it was this development
  • that you're witnessing or were there
  • other
  • problems that you could pin
  • down?
  • Yeah, it was, you know, for,
  • you know, it just kind of depends on
  • where you're at.
  • But for that
  • one area, the vireos of Wild Basin,
  • it was probably multiple factors,
  • but I would say development
  • being a big factor.
  • And then again, the habitat kind of
  • growing up out of suitability.
  • But there's other places
  • where I've seen typical habitat
  • and we do still have vireos there.
  • Um, so, you know,
  • it's, it's hard to know for sure,
  • but um, you know, when
  • they widened 620, you know, we
  • used to have black-capped vireos
  • all up and down 620.
  • We had them up and down City Park
  • Road.
  • And yeah, as, as
  • development encroached we
  • kind of lost those.
  • But, but other areas, you know,
  • they, it's a small population
  • again. We're the eastern edge of the
  • range. So, um,
  • you know, when the Fish and Wildlife
  • de-listed the bird, they didn't even
  • consider our,
  • our area. They were looking at Fort
  • Hood. And so, like, so we have maybe
  • 20 birds compared
  • to Fort Hood and I forget
  • how many, but they've got
  • hundreds, you know,
  • of birds.
  • It's not ... I'm trying to remember
  • how many they have,
  • but yeah. They are a lot more
  • abundant out farther west.
  • Well,
  • so I think you mentioned
  • earlier that there
  • was a great deal of fanfare, of
  • course, about the golden-cheeked
  • warbler listings,
  • but for some reason the vireo
  • brought less attention.
  • Is that true?
  • What was that about?
  • I don't know.
  • That's a really good question
  • because, you know, when I was
  • working for David, the cave
  • invertebrates that were listed in '88,
  • and I'm trying to remember the date.
  • And the vireo was posted
  • in '87, I think.
  • And when I was working for
  • David in the '80s, I would have
  • people occasionally say, "What do
  • you do? What are you working for?"
  • And we'd tell them we're looking for
  • a black-capped vireo.
  • And I remember one wise guy saying
  • that, "is that a round-headed guy or a pointy-headed guy?"
  • But they just thought it was funny.
  • And ooh, yeah, when
  • the warbler got listed,
  • yeah, it was, it was, there
  • was definitely a lot of
  • concern. I don't know, I, you
  • know, I'm not a politician,
  • so I don't really know what was
  • going on behind that.
  • And then, of course, with the
  • salamander listings
  • it got even more political.
  • So.
  • Um. Yeah, that's a good question.
  • Well.
  • So, it seems like politics
  • has come back to the
  • golden-cheeked warbler.
  • What is it, about seven years ago?
  • In 2015, the Texas
  • Public Policy Foundation filed
  • an Endangered Species Act
  • petition to
  • delist the warbler,
  • and the General Land Office joined
  • suit in 2017.
  • And you know it's come back and
  • forth between the Service
  • and the courts.
  • But I was curious if you could
  • comment on why the bird
  • would seek to be delisted,
  • given the problems with the habitat
  • change and its
  • range.
  • Yeah. So, I, you know,
  • I actually try to stay out of
  • politics.
  • Um, I try to stay focused on science
  • and not mix the two.
  • That was actually, one
  • of my supervisors at Fish and
  • Wildlife was telling us that
  • he would deal with the politics, and
  • he wanted us to only focus on the
  • science. And I, I've kind of always
  • stuck with that.
  • And so I don't know the politics
  • behind it.
  • I do have a tiny
  • one, when I mentioned the paper that
  • we wrote where we
  • were comparing, we
  • looked at three
  • different density models that
  • were predicting warbler abundance,
  • including two of ours, and then the
  • A&M model.
  • And when we wrote that paper, which
  • was the first paper I had ever
  • authored myself, where I was the
  • lead author on it,
  • when it got accepted for
  • publication,
  • it was in June of 2015
  • and it was like ten days later
  • that petition was submitted.
  • And I remember calling the editor
  • of the Journal of
  • Field Ornithology, and I said, "So
  • just so you know, it could
  • get kind of interesting," because
  • that just, for me, came out of left
  • field.
  • I really felt like at the time
  • when we did that paper that
  • things had calmed down enough.
  • Um.
  • You know, that this was, this was
  • actually a good time to actually
  • have a discussion about science,
  • and, you know what,
  • you know, using these kind of rapid
  • methods, these point count methods,
  • to try to predict
  • abundance.
  • I thought, it's a good time to have
  • a conversation because things seemed
  • to be pretty calm.
  • So, I had no idea that that was
  • coming.
  • So, I don't know
  • the why of it.
  • But the Fish and Wildlife
  • Service has just finished the
  • status review like the year
  • before, the summer before.
  • So, it came right after
  • that and presented the same
  • information that Fish and Wildlife
  • had already reviewed.
  • So, in their
  • subsequent 90-day finding
  • on the petition, they said,
  • if I understand correctly,
  • the Fish and Wildlife basically
  • said, "We've already look at this
  • information.
  • You didn't provide anything else."
  • And if I understand
  • the plaintiff's argument, they're
  • saying, "That's
  • not the standard.
  • The standard is substantive
  • information.
  • And there's a bunch of information
  • that we submitted.
  • I don't care if you've already
  • looked at it. You need to look at it
  • again and do a positive 90-day
  • finding and automatically go into
  • the 12-month finding.".
  • So I understand kind of what they're
  • going for.
  • But, um, yeah,
  • I, and I think
  • Fish and Wildlife did a negative 90-day finding
  • in 2016 and another one last
  • year, I think in July of last year,
  • when the appellate court said,
  • you've got to look at it again.
  • And I think they're appealing it.
  • I think they appealed it again,
  • right, this year?
  • And I don't know the status.
  • Yeah. It seems to be a
  • hot issue.
  • This poor
  • little bird is being
  • bounced around the courts.
  • Well.
  • Well, and not only that, but
  • like the Bone Cave harvestman is
  • another one.
  • Um, you know, and they're
  • trying to argue on
  • interstate commerce that
  • you can't list the species
  • that doesn't cross state
  • lines.
  • And it's something along those
  • lines.
  • Anyway, yeah.
  • When you look back on this,
  • you know,
  • what do you think about
  • your efforts on behalf of
  • golden-cheeked warbler and the
  • black-capped vireo? What really
  • stands out?
  • On my efforts?
  • Yeah. And what you've seen,
  • I mean, how things have changed
  • or, stayed the same.
  • Is there anything you want to add?
  • Yeah, I, I think in terms of like
  • my contribution,
  • the only thing that I
  • know how to provide is as
  • close to the truth as we can get.
  • Um, and so,
  • although when we first
  • started looking at abundance
  • of, of warblers on our preserve,
  • it really was just
  • to comply with our permit and,
  • you know, just to be able to inform
  • management.
  • I had no idea,
  • no idea, that it would ever
  • become controversial
  • or become what it, what it has
  • become.
  • But I am glad that we have
  • really good, solid data
  • to be able to look
  • at these other estimates, or
  • predictions, and say
  • how realistic are those?
  • You know, how do they compare with
  • what we have?
  • Oh, you're predicting 30
  • times more than what we've got.
  • There seems to be a problem.
  • Um. So that.
  • I think that's all stuff that I
  • would never have been able to
  • foresee.
  • But I'm glad that we have it.
  • I'm disappointed that we have
  • to have it, and have to be able to
  • defend like that.
  • But,
  • yeah, I,
  • I would say that that's one of the
  • major, it's definitely
  • been a surprise anyway.
  • And the rest of it seems like, yeah,
  • just watching things change from a
  • really rural, you know, where you've
  • got cattle and
  • you're walking across roads where
  • now, you know,
  • you would not be safe,
  • where everything's developed.
  • So, you know, so, so definitely
  • watching the transformation of
  • western Travis County.
  • Well, it is intriguing
  • to hear you talk about this because
  • it seems like you
  • have been a real witness
  • to this dramatic change,
  • not just for the bird, but for
  • the whole area that
  • it, and you, call
  • home, and
  • so I
  • think it's really wonderful for you
  • to have shared that with
  • us, something we can all
  • relate to.
  • And unless you have something
  • else you'd like to mention,
  • I'm inclined
  • to let you go.
  • You've been very patient with this
  • whole process.
  • I hope that the recording all works
  • out okay, that it doesn't,
  • you know,
  • that you don't have these silent
  • gaps in there.
  • I think we'll be good.
  • And thank you very much
  • for bearing with some of the
  • technical glitches there.
  • They sort of go with the territory.
  • Oh, I know.
  • Totally.
  • So thank you again for your patience
  • and interest in this.
  • And I hope that
  • our paths cross in the future.
  • It's been fun getting to know you.
  • Yeah.
  • Thank you, David.
  • I appreciate it.
  • So fun.
  • Take care of yourself. Hope your
  • voice feels better and stronger
  • soon.
  • And I hope your daughter does,
  • you know, heals soon, too.
  • Thank you. I appreciate it.
  • All right. You stay safe, be well. Bye now.
  • Bye.